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Greetings, I’m Ann Marie Moore. Can I send you a free gift?

Discover how you can know true love.
-plus receive weekly devotionals to keep the embers of your love burning.

Every Woman can Know True Love

“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness, it is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” ~Hellen Keller

A worthy purpose my Lord gave me was a desire to be a blessing in just one life. This journey has shown me to know True Love.

Discover the secrets of a fulfilled life and one where you find beauty in dying to self.

Know your God and know your purpose.

Upcoming Love’s Weaving Hand Book…

No Greater Love LWH series Book 3 – Realease Date: October 24, 2019.

LWH series Book 3 - No Greater Love by Ann Marie Moore

As a Writer…

My desire is to encourage you through the stories I write, devotionals and the online blog I keep. Join me on my writer’s journey and discover true love.

True love is sacrificial my life for yours Elisabeth Elliot - Know True Love Picture of Asian man and young woman