Welcome and greetings in the name of our Lord. I’m Ann Marie, a romance rescuer, encouraging Christian women to spice up their relationship with God and the imperfect man they are called to love. I am the owner of Living Faith Publishing LLC and author of Love’s Weaving Hand series. Here you will find my Beauty in Dying devotionals. I also blog about success for the Christian woman and my writing journey. This page will guide you on what you can expect.
A Little Bit About Me
Christian women can to impact their world for the glory of God.
I started my LWH series writer journey with some compelling questions.
- Why are young Christian women struggling with direction and victory in their lives?
- What is keeping mature Christian women from uplifting the younger, perhaps immature, woman of faith to be what God called her to be?
- How can a single woman serve God when she is constantly reminded she must find “Mr. Right” in order to be effective?
- What is stopping the mature married woman of faith from humbling herself to allow single women to minister to her?
- And who is “Mr. Right” anyway?
In my search for answers, I have found both single and married women need to have a vibrant relationship with God and be able to connect with one another and empowering each other in our journey of faith.
I publish articles on my blog of my writer’s journey and also in hopes to encourage other women writers to write and publish her writings. My Beauty in Dying devotionals came to be because of my friendship with a young woman of faith, whose desire is to live a sacrificial life for Jesus Christ. In addition, I share short stories and samples scenes of upcoming books. If you don’t want to miss a thing sign up for updates to be sent to your email inbox.
The Personal Me
Love’s Weaving Hand – LWH series books were brainstormed in 2014. Actual writing for the project began in 2015.
I’ve been a writer for over 10 years, mostly updates for prayer partners for our ministry. In addition, I create videos for our ministry, training which is proving to be a blessing in the creation of my inspirational videos.
I co-authored my first book with How Expert in 2013. Then when tragedy struck I wrote and published my first book, No Baby to Cradle. You can find them and all my published books here.
I have lived in two Latin American countries for over 10 years.
Using Pinterest has been a fun way for my contributors and me to develop scenes, characters and clothing ideas along with going through stock photo sites for hours to find the perfect model which fit LWH series characters.
I enjoy bringing others along on my writing journey. My dear friend, Ashley, the “Elise” of LWH series is a wonderful contributor to LWH with her own life story of which bits may be seen in the third book of the series No Greater Love.
My daughter, Sarah, was my brainstorming buddy. My daughter, Rachel, was my first editor and pray will one day co-author Book 5 with me. Yes, my kiddos are crazy about Love’s Weaving Hand and my girls like to play dress up. Not to mention Rachel’s further ambition for cinematography hoping to produce the LWH series video series 🙂
I enjoy being a mom of a houseful of kiddos, never a dull moment. And in case you ever wonder, yes, all eight belong to my love, Bruce and I. We have been married for over 26 years.
My Faith Testimony
I rejoice in the salvation of my Lord and Savior. There are so many details of God’s weaving hand in my life. It would literally take volumes of books for me to write.
Our Lord is so intricate and detailed in every area of your life. Yet by God’s grace, I hope to share portions here and there. To include within the LWH series books as well.
In addition, would like to share the following testimony video.
Stay Connected with Me
Love’s Weaving Hand LWH series is my home base but you can also find me in the following social networks