
Kindle Book: Visualize Your Journey

Publish a Kindle book? The possibility of writing my thoughts in a book ran through my mind. It wasn't as if I hadn't written anything in the past. For ten years I had written in a personal blog. I had already worked as a freelance writer on travel sites. I had ghostwritten an ebook and [...]

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Four Impacting Reasons to Write Effectively

There is nothing more discouraging than to beat yourself over the head when you write. What is it that you are trying to accomplish? Who cares anyway? Why should I waste my time? These and many questions can plague you and even hinder you from what you were called to do – you are a [...]

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Inspiration to Write – Steps to Success

Inspiration comes to those who have mastered the art of writing. It’s not something you wait to happen. Inspiration is something you make happen on demand and on your timetable. The Inspiration Scenario There you sit at your computer. You would think it to be writer’s delight, but instead, it has you paralyzed. You stare [...]

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Creative Character Development

You live in some amazing days where creative character development is possible in a short amount of time. The internet has afforded such opportunities like never before. It can be daunting task to think up and develop a character when you are starting out. I am not much at describing people off the top of my [...]

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