Having purpose in your life makes life worth living for.

How many times have you viewed God as being out there in the cosmos somewhere? At a distance watching you. He is just a nice ideal. Yeah sure if you were into being religious maybe you could get into the whole God thing but you have a life.

You are busy with going to and fro. Waking, working, showering eating, and so on goes your routine. Sometime the days are great, others you wonder if there will be any end to the madness of catching up with your responsibilities. Then Friday comes along and you have a glimmer of hope.

Soon comes Sunday and there you are again, seeking, searching wondering. Perhaps, you have been faithful in church attendance every time the doors are open. Some sermons encourage you while others seem to go over your head.

Then there are those sermons that prick your heart and you want to lay your burdens at Jesus feet. Then there are others that fire your heart up to go out and do something for Jesus. And for a time you bask in that momentous glory.

My Purpose is God and You

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thySophia praying by pond near Brooks Village, seeking God's purpose mind. This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Matthew 22:37-39

In Love’s Weaving Hand series my God given purpose is to be a blessing in the lives of women. Women who have had extraordinary lives. Women who live day-to-day. Women whose future lies ahead with confidence or in uncertainty. Women that I desire would see the weaving hand of God in their lives.

Having purpose in this life in something that is truly beyond my control. It certainly testing the limits of my own being. I am not one to open up my heart so freely. I have been deeply hurt. Some hurts are so deep that I buried them away for years.

Yet as I write inspirational fiction, God is opening my heart. I have had to deal with my own personal issues in order that a scene or character develop may be believable.

First things first, I have to know my God and allow Him to shine in and through me.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:” Psalm 139:23

God knows you but He waits for you to allow Him to know you before making a move in your life.

And when He does you can know my purpose. For only God can has the eternal power to bring out precious meaning in your life. Despite the hurt, He can have purpose even in ashes.

“To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3

Even if you have lived an excellent life be prepared to mourn. This is not to discourage you but rather to encourage you in the Lord. For when you behold your Beloved, you will see yourself as you really are. So long as you are humble, you will want to lose your self-life for the excellency of Christ.

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” Mark 8:35

LWH Series Characters

My hope is that the characters in the stories will be used of God in your life. Although they are fictional they do include a lot of my heart, my passions, my desires, failures and victories.

You will find that there is always a little of the author in each character. The characters in LWH series also exemplify people in my life. The men characters exemplify traits from the men in my own life (my husband and my sons).


The women characters developed from the women in my life (my mother, daughters and friends). One character in particular, Elise, includes some contributions and heart insights from the person herself.

Elise is the character God used to connect and expand the books. The books went from being one, The King’s Daughter, then because of Elise book 2, No Greater Love, was born. From there the initial trilogy came to life because of Elise’s past.

But it did not stop there. For now there is a potential of at least 8-9, maybe even 10, book ideas!

Purpose in Writing - Love's Weaving Hand (LWH) book cover photos LWHseries.com

At least those are the LWH books my Lord has let me know of 😉

Understanding Success

One thing I will confess is that I have had a fear of success.


Because with success comes having purpose. And it can be a purpose that will challenge you in ways you never dreamed of. A purpose that you know will require great responsibility.

But isn’t that what you desire deep within you. That your life will count for something? For someone?

But until you know your God, how then can you truly appreciate your purpose? How can you truly open your heart to others? Why would you give up your life?

“Success is doing the very best I can every chance I get with what I have for a purpose that is bigger than I am and that will outlive me.” Ike Reighard

I don’t know of any greater purpose than God himself. Yet in Him you can have purpose in the lives of others.

May the stories and characters of Love’s Weaving Hand series encourage you to realize the stories God is writing of you and because of you. May you see how precious of a strand you are and to accept all God has for you.

Your purpose in this life may outlive you. And you may not even know the results till you are in the presence of your Lord. Yet one day, my friend, you will see the impacting strand you were in God’s divine plan.

Here is a bible verse that my “Elise” in real life shared with me.

“And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.” Psalm 72:19

May your heart be blessed to know your God and to know your purpose.


In His hands,

Ann Marie Moore


