I’m very excited at what our Lord plans with Love’s Weaving Hand series books. Lord willing, I will share in greater detail how the series came to be in Book 6 which I plan to write at a later date.
In this post, I want to share my burden for LWH series.
Meet the Author
I am a wife and mom of a houseful of kiddos, God has given me a burden for women. I especially have a burden for single young woman who desire to live a life of faith. I desire to encourage you whether your faith leads you to marriage or a life completely surrendered to the service of God.
Have you found that you want to live a life of faith only to find that your sins or past circumstances weigh you down?You are not alone and you can rest assured that you have a friend in the midst of your darkness. A friend who will point you to the greatest friend of all. A friend who is willing to allow God use me in your life.
My passion is to leave the impression of Christ in your life. My personal mission verse in the Bible is, “And of some have compassion, making a difference:” Jude v. 22
LWH Mission
I pray that LWH series books will be a way to make a difference in you. The main characters are women. They lead lives similar to yours though some in a different era. I want you to know how important and vital a vital role you play in the history of God’s weaving hand. Regardless if you are a real princess, a country girl or an unknown woman somewhere. Perhaps your story may never be written in a book in this world yet know that it is significant.
God is an author of your story. This is a story being written in His book. Especially as you think on Him.
“Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.” Malachi 3:16
Dealing with Issues
Insecurities and strengths in women will be areas that will touched on in LWH series books. Hidden struggles and sins may be dealt with in different characters, some of which I have experienced in my own life and others that I have witnessed in the life of other women that God has brought in my path. Still others who have allowed me to use their experiences to create more believable character.
I believe dealing with such issues through fictional characters will help us both. You can picture yourself either receiving or giving the womanly advice that the LWH characters are involved in. I can certainly open my heart more as I express the struggles I have faced in my own life in a given character.
I cannot tell how this has already helped me open up in real life. Furthermore I am able to confront issues that I had long buried in denial for quite some time. Knowing the truth does set you free because then you are able to confess it to God. And when you confess you are cleansed 🙂
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
Writing Stories to Bless
Writing Love’s Weaving Hand books is a real blessing. And one which I desire to pass on to you as a reader. There have been many times a chapter or scene has brought me under conviction. Therefore I desire that you too may be challenged.
It is so sweet how our Heavenly Father has affirmed me more than once that it is in my power to be a living example because of Jesus Christ (see Phil 4:13). What joy! A joy to my children, who see their mom changing and being more sensitive to them. A joy to my husband as I open up more as the wife, loving him freely as my characters express their love.
Single for the Glory of God
A joy to my single daughter and other women who are content in living their lives solely for Jesus Christ, serving the Lord and not seeking marriage. Singleness for the Lord is underestimated. And so many young women who desire to serve the Lord are made to feel less than a woman.
All because they do not seek an earthly husband. As time goes on I hope to share my views in this through both the LWH series and this blog, Lord willing because they are not married to an imperfect man.
Love’s Weaving Hand is not only love stories but life stories. Stories that acknowledge God who is Love and whose hand is orchestrating every strand in your life.
May you be blessed as you journey with me and I share my author’s perspectives. Most of all may the LWH characters bless you as their lives touch yours.
May God’s love be a reality in your life.
In His hands,
Ann Marie Moore