True love exist for the woman who desires to embrace it. The problem is not in finding such love but rather in being willing to sacrifice in order to attain it. Such a venture could be downright terrifying.
Elise Burrows from Book 2 feared to venture at the possibility of loving a man, especially one she could not control.
Elise’s Scheme
She set up all kinds of protection to ensure no man would gain her heart. She made guys feel like they had her attention with her flirtatious smile. If you asked Elise to trust you she would, “I trust no one, not even God.” But that was all a front, a way for her to ensure she was in control.
She wore the occasional alluring dress as your way saying, “Desire all you want but you can’t have it.”
Do you have Elise’s philosophy? Just keep a man guessing then walk away before it gets serious.
What schemes do you catch yourself creating to ensure you are in control?
Maybe the schemes are more related to being in control spiritually. You smile when in all reality you are struggling. You read your Bible but there is nothing you glean out of it.
You go through the motions to ensure everyone thinks you’re alright but you have no peace.
Love Encounters
Elise took a step back, the space of a heartbeat, if such a measurement existed. In her path she bumped into Deshí Wilson. His sketch supplies flew out of his hands and onto the ground before Elise’s feet. He reprimanded her and busied himself with the task of retrieving his supplies.
Elise needed to think fast all her friends were watching her. She had to ease the tension with this man she obviously upset. Her smile was ready and she rehearsed her smooth words. It’s worked before why not now?
But Elise Burrows had met her match. A man who would not be enticed, well, to the best of his ability and convictions. It’s not that he didn’t struggle with the soft scent of her alluring perfume, or forced his eyes back onto her face when they naturally wanted to trail off to her low neckline.
It was no doubt everything about Elise sent a message of attraction. But Deshí Wilson desired a woman to marry, not a fling.
Every woman wants to be treasured, honored. Yet sometimes why do we act and behave so contrary to what we desire?
With Deshí nothing worked for Elise. Not her smile. Not her smooth words. Despite his being tempted by Elise, the man commanded respect and it frightened her. She could not control him.
Control and fear can go hand-in-hand. Not being in control is scary. Whether you are looking at a man as a future husband or you have awaken by his side for the past 25 plus years, as I have, it is scary to give up control to be willing to surrender for a mere man.
Impressing others to gain esteem or gain control always leaves a sour taste in your soul. Sure you may receive momentary gratification but in the long run an unsettling feeling leaves you wanting…searching…true love, somewhere.
In order for you to open your heart to a man requires a lot of faith. But it is a faith that rest a heartbeat away in your first true love, Jesus Christ. Each passing moment is an opportunity for you to know true love from the One who is love.
Embrace True Love
Stop right now and meditate on the One whose true love is perfect towards you. Meditate on the One who desires your good and His glory (see Romans 8:28). He is the One who can writes your earthly love story and open the heart of an imperfect man you never thought would love you.
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18
In order to remove your fear, your need for control, you must first be willing to receive love. When God’s true love fills you, then, in accordance with His will, you can have the courage to love an imperfect man because you are complete in Christ.
Should our Lord allow you to live a single life you are still complete in Christ. A single woman can have wisdom which surpasses married women because your body, soul and mind belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, exclusively.
Be willing to love and not fear. Be willing to love sacrificially without the need to control. Be willing to receive love to be perfect, complete in Him with His true love.
In His hands,
Ann Marie Moore
p.s. A resource that has been a huge blessing to me as a married woman has been a book called, Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs.