This past week has been both physically challenging as I have been dealing with blood pressure issues. But it has also been blessing as writer.
Yes, I am writer 🙂
My Beginnings
It sure feels good to confess something our Lord has wanted me to endeavor in for many years. In all actuality I have been writing ever since Bonnie Fraser came me my first journal to write in that sparked my private Living By The Faith (LBTF) journal.
Those of you who do not know Bonnie Fraser she was the daughter of Don Fraser, one of the first men who pioneered Bearing Precious Seed in the U.S.
I have been blessed to know some incredible people. Those who spurred me on in my walk of faith, no matter how weak it was. God has invested much in my life and He desires that I invest in the lives of others.
Tribe Writer
Our Lord doesn’t leave you in the dark.
The Lord has led me to further train as a writer when I joined Tribe Writers.
In the training I am being encouraged as a writer. My friend Debbie has also joined the course. Deb is new at the online stuff. I know how difficult it was for me when I got started. I am confident she will do fine and I am thankful I can come alongside her to encourage her.
Deb likes to write about homesteading (see and Lord willing, in the future she will be writing her own fictional series.
Deb is new in this area of having an imagination. LOL
But I msust admit, she has a cool lead character. I can’t wait to see how she expands on her as well as supporting characters 🙂
This is all exciting because when I was willing to take my writing to the next level with LWH series…I asked God to encourage more Christians, in particular those I know, to be the writers God called them to be.
So sweet to see answered prayer.
Kids and Writing
It is also precious to see my youngest, Faith, involved in writing her own on page books.
I pray to encourage her as our Lord continues to grow her desire.
Oh and she insist I have a monkey in LWH series. I told her I didn’t think a monkey would be allowed at the University where Elise attends but we are making plans for one in Book 3 and I already have the scene in mind 🙂
It continues to be such a blessing to have my daughter, Rachel, involved with the edits in Book 2. We are editing on the fly. As we learn something we tweak the book to better suit our potential readers.
Abby drops in to listen. She brings good medicineand makes Rachel and I laugh. A great tension release when Rachel and I are taking things way too serious.
I Value Other Writers
In the writer’s training I have also grown a greater appreciation for other writers.
I have been privileged to meet a few that are such a blessing.
One writer, Sylvia, who writes despite her chronic pain.
Another writer who is a single young lady, Anna K. Hughes, willing to make an impact in her generation.
And this week I went to Jill York’s blog in search of articles on high blood pressure. Yes, I like the one on eating dark chocolate 🙂
It is a blessing to get to know other writer’s who are being a blessing to others with the talents our Lord gave them.
Are you a writer?
Don’t hide the talent God has given you to make a difference in one life.
In His hands,
Ann Marie Moore